We Know Why People Lie! No, Seriously, We’re Not Liars!
So much to chat about! Would you want to know, if you could find out, when you would die? Shawn and Kate …
So much to chat about! Would you want to know, if you could find out, when you would die? Shawn and Kate …
It’s another fun Shawn and Kate Show with info and laughs you never knew you needed! Believe us…we never knew either!
Can people really decide about you in seconds? Yes! And, if that is the case…we apologize! Plus, we know the clothes you …
Looking younger is no easy task, but maybe there are easy tricks! Also, what 10 pounds shed does to your body, and …
Summer vacations underway, so enjoy a podcast of some fun “best of” segments and by all means, don’t touch that loofah!
This week Shawn and Kate are going to the dogs! (well for a couple discussions anyway), they discover that some women are …
If getting older means waking earlier you can blame your ancestors!